About ETV4Water project

Why ETV4Water Project?


Energy use for wastewater treatment is typically among the major contributors to the total energy use faced by urban water and wastewater utilities. However, substantial energy and financial savings can be uncovered through operational changes and capital investments at wastewater treatment plants. ETV (Environmental Technology Verification) can be an useful tool supporting the implementation of innovative solutions to improve the energy efficiency at municipal WWTPs.

It is estimated that electricity consumption accounts for as much as 25-30% of operating costs of WWTP. Therefore, one of the challenges for the WWTP is to improve the energy efficiency of the processes used. Innovative technologies and the implementation of energy efficiency improvement strategies at municipal WWTPs respond to this challenge.


Aim of the Project


The aim of the project is promotion of Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) as a tool to support the implementation of innovative solutions to improve the energy efficiency of municipal WWTPs.

Crated Polish-Norwegian capacity will provide quality testing and a performance verification service in a form of a cooperation network of test bodies and verification bodies in the water sector for successful market uptake of innovations developed under a new perspective of the Norwegian Grants.



Norway is a country which approaches the environment with great care. The proposed Norwegian solutions for water and wastewater management are in line with the sustainable management of natural resources, including energy. These solutions have been establishing new standards for business and public policy for many years. Therefore, the Norwegian partner can play a significant role in broadening knowledge and raising public awareness of the necessity of improving energy efficiency in wastewater treatment plants in Poland, sharing experience in the field of good practices.


What will be achieved?


Analysis of potential and possibilities


The project will indicate to operators and designers of municipal wastewater treatment plants what are the possibilities of introducing appropriate technological improvements to raise the energy efficiency of the treatment plant and to determine the real need for implementing innovative technologies in this area.


Awareness about ETV among technology providers and buyers


ETV4Water builds awareness of suppliers of innovations from Poland and Norway in the water sector in respect of ETV use. They can use ETV as a tool to strengthen their competitive advantage and to create a credible investment offer. This is especially dedicated to those companies that plan to transfer innovative technologies to both markets (PL and NO) as well as to European and global markets. The project will allow you to familiarize yourself with the requirements and the course of the verification procedure and the possibilities of obtaining funding for ETV.

Especially for those from the public sector, we want to point out the possibilities of using ETV, e.g. in the public procurement procedure and use it as a tool for reducing technological and investment risks in the selection and implementation of innovative technologies.


Polish-Norwegian cooperation platform


ETV4Water prepares the platform for Polish-Norwegian cooperation in the water and wastewater innovation sector offering:

  • a network of research centres from Poland and Norway conducting research in the field of wastewater technology in accordance with ETV requirements,
  • technical and substantive support for verification provided by the Environmental Technology Verification Unit at the Institute of Ecology of Industrial Areas in Katowice and AquateamCOWI in Norway.


ETV outputs:


The project will develop a common mechanism for the implementation of innovations for improving energy efficiency in the water sector based on the ETV. I will allow for:

  • more effective use of ETV in practice in Poland and Norway,
  • creation of a dedicated, credible, market-driven offer that meets the needs of buyers,
  • raising the buyers’ awareness of the opportunities and benefits of implementing innovation to improve energy efficiency,
  • strengthening the Polish-Norwegian cooperation for the development, transfer and implementation of technologies in the water sector based on the identified innovative potential.


Project Partners:


Project Coordinator:

Izabela Ratman-Kłosińska

Environmental Technologies Verification Body, Institute of Ecology of Industrial Areas in Katowice (IETU)

mobile: +48 691 566 888

e-mail: i.ratman-klosinska@ietu.pl

Polish-Norwegian technical cooperation network for ETV

  1. Centrum Badań i Dozoru Górnictwa Podziemnego sp. z o.o.
  2. Główny Instytut Górnictwa
  3. Instytut Morski w Gdańsku, Zakład Ochrony Środowiska
  4. Instytut Podstaw Inżynierii Środowiska Polskiej Akademii Nauk
  5. Ośrodek Badań i Kontroli Środowiska sp. z o.o.
  6. Politechnika Częstochowska, Wydział Infrastruktury i Środowiska
  7. Politechnika Krakowska, Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska
  8. Politechnika Śląska, Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska i Energetyki, Instytut Inżynierii Wody i Ścieków 
  9. SGS Polska sp. z o.o.

  1. ALS Laboratory Group Norway AS
  2. Hardanger Miljøsenter AS
  3. Intertek West Lab AS
  4. Norwegian Institute of Water Research



As part of the project following events were organised:


25.09.2017, Gdańsk


Workshop: Pathways for recovery and energy savings in wastewater treatment plants – for wastewater treatment plant operators, consulting business representatives, technologies suppliers and investors.

Workshop was conducted in Polish except Mr. Bjarne Paulsrud's presentation.


17-18.10.2017, Poznań, POL-ECO SYSTEM 2017 Fair


Breakfast with ETV: How to achieve EU ETV Statement of Verification for innvovative and energy eficient technologies from water and wastewater sector – for manufacturers of innovative technologies for water and wastewater sector (09:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.) 


Lunch with ETV: How to implement innvoations for energy efficiency improvement of the wastewater treatment plant under the EU ETV programme successfully and free of risk? - for technologies purchasers (12:00 - 14:30) 


Training: Building capacity for high quality test data generation on innovative energy efficient technologies for water sector for the needs of ETV. Training dedicated was for test bodies involved in development of innvoative technologies, analitical laboratories, research institutes etc.


In addition, the ETV4Water project was presented at the POL-ECO SYSTEM Fair during the Norwegian Day on 18 October.

23-24.10.2017, Oslo


Workshop: How to verify the performance of an innovative, energy efficient technology for wastewater sector under the EU ETV Programme – for wastewater treatment plant operators, consulting business representatives, technologies suppliers and investors. (09:00-11:00)


Workshop: Environmental technology verification (ETV) as a tool facilitating implementation of innovative technologies for energy efficiency improvement at wastewater treatment plants. - for technology purchasers. (12:30-14:30)


Training: Building capacity for high quality test data generation on innovative energy efficient technologies for water sector for the needs of ETV. - dedicated was for test bodies involved in development of innvoative technologies, analitical laboratories, research institutes etc. (09:00-11:00)



Project ETV4Water: Facilitating the use of ETV to improve energy efficiency of the water and wastewater sector has received funding from
Norwegian Grants 2009-2014 within the Bilateral Cooperation Fund at the programme level for PL04