Our service

We offer verification of innovative technologies, under the European Union Programme of Environmental Technologies Verification (EU ETV) for:

Water treatment and monitoring

  • technologies for monitoring of water quality for microbial and chemical contaminants (e.g. test kits, probes, analysers),
  • treatment of drinking water for microbial and chemical contaminants (e.g. filtration, chemical disinfection, advanced oxidation) and desalination of seawater,
  • treatment of wastewater for microbial and chemical contaminants (e.g. separation techniques, biological treatment, electrochemical methods, small-scale treatment systems for sparsely populated areas),
  • treatment of industrial water (e.g. disinfection, filtration, purification).

Materials, waste and resources

  • recycling of industrial by-products and waste into secondary materials, recycling of construction waste into building materials (e.g. reworking of bricks), recycling of agricultural waste and byproducts for non-agricultural purposes,
  • improved resource efficiency through material substitution,
  • separation or sorting techniques for solid waste (e.g. reworking of plastics, mixed waste and metals), materials recovery,
  • recycling of batteries, accumulators and chemicals (e.g. metal reworking technologies),
  • reduction of mercury contamination from solid waste (e.g. separation, waste mercury removal and safe storage technologies),
  • products made of biomass (health products, fiber products, bioplastics, biofuels, enzymes).

Energy technologies

  • production of heat and power from renewable sources of energy (e.g. wind, sea, geothermic and biomass),
  • reuse of energy from waste, biomass or by-products (e.g. 3rd generation biofuels and combustion technologies),
  • generic energy technologies (e.g. micro-turbines, hydrogen and fuel cells, heat pumps, combined heat and power production, heat exchangers), distribution, energy storage,
  • energy efficiency in industrial processes and in buildings (e.g. thermal envelope, wall insulation, energy efficient windows,heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems).

The quality, impartiality and credibility of our verifications are guaranteed by:

  • accreditation of the Polish Centre for Accreditation for compliance to PN-EN ISO / IEC 17020 standard for the inspection body type A (Accreditation Certificate No. AK026)
  • robust verification procedure in compliance to the EU ETV General Verification Protocol and PN-EN ISO/IEC 14034,
  • quality of the test data used for the verification which shall comply to ISO/IEC 17025 requirements

Verifications offered by ETV Body IETU under the EU ETV are performed based on robust procedures and include the following steps:

Quick Scan

The objective is to make an initial determination on the eligibility of a technology for ETV. The proposer prepares a short description of the technology based on the Quick Scan form together with a proposal of an initial performance claim which is to be verified. Based on the information provided in the Quick Scan, ETV Body IETU makes an indicative judgment if the technology is an eligible candidate for verification and determines if it fits into its accreditation scope.


The objective is to prepare a complete application form and make a final determination on the eligibility of a technology for verification as a basis for proceeding with ETV. The proposer in cooperation with ETV Body IETU develops an application according to the application form, submits it for administrative and technical review to ETV Body IETU. The application should include description of the technology supported by documentation sufficient for the Body to understand the technology and its operation as well as a performance claim with a proposal of parameters and their numerical values to be verified. The proposer is also encouraged to provide any test data generated to back the proposed claim. ETV Body IETU reviews the application and makes an initial assessment of the suitability and relevance of the provided test data for the needs of the verification.

Specific verification protocol

The objective is to develop a detailed planning document for the verification of the technology specifying the scope and all requirements of the process. At this stage ETV Body IETU in dialogue with the proposer determines the performance parameters together with their numerical values to be verified (corrected performance claim), specific requirements concerning the test data to support the claim including quality requirements as well as methods for their generation. They serve as a basis for a test design which is a part of the specific verification protocol. Based on the test design and the data requirements, ETV Body IETU makes an assessment of the usefulness and relevance of the existing test data provided by the proposer for the verification and indicates whether additional testing is need or not.


The step may be omitted if ETV Body IETU determines that the existing test data submitted by the proposer to back the claim are relevant, complete and meet the requirements specified in the specific verification protocol.

In the absence of test data or when the provided test data are incomplete or do not meet the requirements of the specific verification protocol e.g. they were produced under different conditions than these specified for the claim or the quality of the data raises concerns, ETV Body IETU communicates this to the proposer with a specification of the scope of testing than needs to be done. The proposer in agreement with ETV Body IETU contacts appropriate Test Body and contracts performance of relevant tests to generate data in line with the requirements of the specific verification protocol. The Test Body produces a test report which the proposer submits to ETV Body IETU for assessment and continuation of the verification process.

Verification and reporting

The objective for this step is to make a confirmation of the performance of a technology based on the test data. Once ETV Body IETU determines that all necessary data are provided, a final assessment is made upon which ETV Body IETU confirms the values of the verified performance parameters (verified performance claim). ETV Body IETU develops a Verification Report and a Statement of Verification. The report describes in details all procedures undertaken in order to verify the performance of the technology in line with the requirements of the specific verification protocol including test plans and reports as well as quality assurance issues. The Statement of Verification is a summary of the report and includes the verified performance claim.


The Statements of Verification issued by ETV Body IETU are submitted to the European Commission who registers them and publishes on a dedicated EU ETV web site. The applicant receives a copy of the registered Statement of Verification and a Verification Report.  For reasons of transparency it is recommended that the applicant accepts publication of this report, possibly without appendices if the proposer considers that publishing these may harm the protection of intellectual property.

Post verification

The objective for this step is to ensure feedback from the applicants on the satisfaction from the verification service, added value of ETV in the marketing of verified technologies and the economic benefit as well as to contribute to the continuous evaluation and improvement of the verifications offered by ETV Body IETU. It is also to ensure a proper use of the Statement of Verification by the client.

It is mandatory that the applicant notifies ETV Body IETU whenever any changes are made to the technology so that it no longer conforms to the published Statement of Verification. If any of the following changes occur, the applicant reports to ETV Body IETU with the data needed to evaluate whether the conditions for verification have changed. If ETV Body IETU assesses that, based on the data provided by the applicant, the conditions for the verification have changed, the Statement of Verification may be invalidated. Upon request of the applicant, ETV Body IETU may re-verify the technology using a simplified procedure, develop a report and issue a new Statement of Verification.