Verification under ETV Pilot Programme is a dynamic process, involving both Proposer and Environmental Technology Verification Body, which aims to:

  • prove the performance claims of innovative water technologies/provide independent evidence of verifiable performance parameters (claims) of innovative water technologies,
  • confirm the innovative features of the technology, taking into account the specific needs / requirements of the user,
  • indicate environmental added value.

ETV is a voluntary system.

The proposer can be any legal entity or natural person, which can be the technology owner, manufacturer or an authorised representative of either. With consent of technology owners and/or manufacturers, the proposer can be another stakeholder undertaking a specific verification programme involving several technologies (e.g. as part of pre-procurement procedures).

Under ETV Pilot Programme you can verify specific technologies/technical solutions (ie. products, machinery, etc.), with unique designation/name.

The ETV Body - IETU is open to all technologies ready for the market and presenting a potential for innovation and environmental benefit.

Technology must meet the criteria of environmental technology, ie. provide environmental added value in comparison with appropriate alternative technologies*, reduce the environmental pressure or have a positive impact on the environment, including but not limited to: removing, preventing, limiting, mitigating of pollutants released to the environment, restoration of environmental damages or use of natural resources in a more effective and sustainable manner.

*Alternative technologies are commercially available technologies relevant for comparison with the technology under verification and performing the same or a similar function.

Technology must fall in the scope of accreditation of ETV Body – IETU:

  • treatment of drinking water for microbial and chemical contaminants (e.g. filtration, chemical disinfection, advanced oxidation) and desalination of seawater,
  • treatment of wastewater for microbial and chemical contaminants (e.g. separation techniques, biological treatment, electrochemical methods, small-scale treatment systems for sparsely populated areas),
  • treatment of industrial water (e.g. disinfection, filtration, purification).

A technology can be submitted for verification when:

  • it is ready for the market,
  • it is innovative and already commercially available,
  • it presents a sufficient level of innovation (verification parameters + environmental effect) for alternative technologies available on the market,
  • it meets user needs,
  • it fulfils the legal requirements in the targeted market.

We validate performance of a technology that proves its innovation, increases its market prospects and enhances investors’ trust especially when the performance goes beyond compliance to any relevant regulations or standards.

´Ready to market´ means that the technology is available on the market or at least is available at a stage where no change affecting its performance will be implemented before introducing the technology to the market.


Technology can be considered as available on the market if:

  • at least one copy is produced on an industrial scale

and in connection with the above, it meets at least two of the following conditions:

  • the technology has operating instructions,
  • the technology is included in the price list of the company,
  • it exists in marketing / advertising materials.


The technology shall be developed to the extent that no change affecting performance is likely before introduction to the market (e.g. full-scale or prototype scale with direct and clear scale-up instructions).

We can verify ‘mature’ technologies if:

  • the technology, despite its long presence on the market, represents innovative features that cannot be confirmed by appropriate standards or certification schemes,
  • the Proposer sees a particular advantage in obtaining the Statement of Verification eg. wants to distinguish the technology / company from the competition,
  • there are no uniform standards for all EU countries / globally to confirm specific operational parameters of a technology.

The initial performance claim consists of a set of parameters and values, which:

  • describe the functioning or performance of the technology for a specific application in specified operating conditions;
  • relate to the technology itself, and not e.g. to the environmental management of the company, to the origin of raw material or to the information provided to users (unless this information is the purpose of the technology);
  • highlight the advantages and innovative features of the technology, in terms of the environmental added value as well as other advantages relevant for users of the technology;
  • reflect direct environmental impacts of the technology in the intended application described above and, to the extent possible, relevant indirect environmental impacts from a life cycle perspective;
  • are quantifiable and verifiable through tests.

The performance of the technology to be verified is expressed through different parameters (called for this reason verification parameters) and their numerical value. Therefore, the verification of a technology under ETV requires a precise definition of the verification parameters. This shall be carried out by the Verification Body in co-operation with the proposer, building on the initial performance claim and using the template given for the parameter definition table (Table 6) in Appendix 6. All categories of parameters as mentioned in the parameter definition table shall be considered. Categories that are not relevant for a specific verification are excluded and this shall also be reported in the completed table.